Payment Via Credit Card
Click on the 'Buy Now' button.
Enter the invoice amount as per the invoice that is emailed to you under "Price per item".
Do NOT edit "Quantity".
There is NO need to quote the invoice number.
If you are making payment for more than 1 invoice, simply total up the amounts and make a single payment. There is NO need to make separate payments.
Click on "Continue".
Choose to pay by Paypal. Else, enter credit card information.
Read and consent to Paypal's Privacy Policy and check the box at the bottom of the payment page accordingly.
Click "Pay Now".
SCS will update your invoice accordingly and send out the receipt to you within 2 working days.
Benefits of Paying
With Credit Card
5%* off invoice amount
Better cash-flow management
Credit-card rewards
*How The 5% Discount Works
Invoice#1 amount of $800.
Client makes payment of $800 via credit card for invoice#1
5% of $800 ala $40 will be applied as a discount to invoice#2.